1st c. AD 64-68 AD ­ Nero has the Domus Aurea, a new and magnificent imperial residence, built in Rome. 80 BC ­ The Coliseum, a grandiose amphitheater for gladiatorial combat, hunting spectacles, and mock sea battles. 2nd c. AD 113 AD ­ Inauguration of Trajan’s column, a magnificent structure adorned with a lively and realistic spiral frieze depicting the Roman campaigns against the Dacians. 3rd c. AD 247 AD ­ First millennium of the founding of Rome. 284 AD ­ Diocletian is emperor of the East. 4th c. AD 315 AD ­ Constantine’s edict conventionally inaugurates the early Christian basilica. The Roman senate celebrates Constantine’s victory at the Milvian Bridge with a large triumphal arch.The classical tradition is revived in a monumental key in official sculpture for the deification of the figure of the emperor. 5th c. AD 410 AD ­ Capture of Rome by Alaric, leader of the Visigoths and governor of Illyria. 475 AD ­ Fall of the Western Roman Empire.